Saturday, May 3, 2014

Banana oat pancakes

Today I was craving pancakes so badly, it was insane, I never have pancakes, I'm just not a big fan of them because I find them always drowned in syrup or butter, and ew no. 
Anyway, I woke up today feeling like pancakes but guess what, I didn't had any kind of flour? So I came up with this 
Pancakes made of oat flour, super easy, super tasty. 

Here's what you need: 
 1 banana 
One tbsp of chia seeds + 3 tbsp of water( let it soak for aroun 7 minutes to make a chia egg) 
One tbsp of baking powder 
One tbsp of vanilla 
One tsp of cinnamon 
3/4 cups of rolled oat ground into flour 
Around 8 tbsp of any non dairy milk of your choice 

Blend everything together, then fry them with a little bit of coconut oil and wala, yummy gooey banana pancakes, I topped mine with my cinnamon raisin peanut butter, enjoy . 

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